Sunday, 1 January 2012

Road Trip Update

Things didn't quite work out as I had hoped.
Tried to get accommodation in Kiama but to no avail.
I drove there yesterday from Campbelltown & had lunch
then went to my special beach & sat for a while.
Have you ever been there it is such a calming, relaxing town,
even with all the tourists.
I would sell my house in a second to live there.
So a bit upset I couldn't stay overnight I decided to drive home.
14 hours later - 2am I arrived home.
Lakes Entrance - the whole population of Australia holidays there I am sure of it.
I have never see so many people in my life.
Of course when I decided to drive home didn't think about it being NYE did I ?
Got stuck in Lakes Entrance for about an hour - they had blocked the highway off
& had to take detours, cars - couldn't believe all of those cars trying to get through this town
Masses of people walking on the roads to go to the fireworks
It was a nightmare.
I am so glad I took this trip.
I now know I can just jump in the car & go anywhere.
I don't feel so trapped.
Will post some pics later.


Kay said...

good for you. I once had a hard time getting out of the house..couldn't even get to the grocery store! Then I was convinced to show my new German Shepherd and somehow I drove from Utah to Seattle on my own..and I had never been there before!! Now I just go..when I have gasoline! It will get easier for you..what a great accomplishment for the new year

Unknown said...

Thank you Kay for those comments.
It is good to know someone out there understands.
I never thought of that but yes it is my first accomplishment for the new year.
I have a list of things I should have sorted out for over year now, & I promised myself on the trip home no matter what the outcome is, I MUST do them & then I may be able to settle a bit.