Sunday 23 January 2011

Off to class I go !!

I was so lucky to be invited by a friend, Joy, to attend a Paper Fabric & Sun printing workshop with Ro Bruhn yesterday.
It was a whole day workshop a magnificent lunch was supplied by Ro's husband, Steve.
The class, well, it was amazing.
I learnt how to make Fabric Paper - absolutely amazing technique.
Will post some pics later.
Here is group shot of the girls in the class

Sitting from left - Sabine & Maha
Standing from left - Me, Norma, Joy, Ro Bruhn & Patsy
Ro's house is like Aladdin's Cave, little nooks & crannies everywhere, filled with all sorts of collectibles.
such a wonderful place to be to create in.
The girls were so friendly & easy to talk to it was a very relaxing day for me.
Make sure you take a look at Ro's blog & see her amazing work.
Thank you Joy & thank you Ro for a fabulous day.
Got to run, the day is nearly over & haven't been out in the workshop yet .......................

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