Sunday 9 January 2011

Help Needed

I am not comfortable doing this but I feel I don't have a choice.
As you know the pool has gone & now the fences have to be done.
I need some help to clear the fence line on 3 sides of the property.
But I do need to say nothing has been done in the backyard for a year now, it is a mess.
So I wanted to know if anyone would be available to come to a working bee
next Saturday 15th & or Sunday 16th
Even if you could only spare an hour or 2 it would be a great help.

Main jobs -
2 trees that need removing - chainsaw would be helpful.
heaps of firewood behind the garage -some cut up, some in lengths - if you want it take it.
& grass whipped behind garage & bungalow.
Stack of metal stuff
Could you let me know if anyone is able to help as soon as possible so I
can organize a skip.
I also need to sell
2 cars -1996 Statesman - front end damage unreg $2500
2000 Statesman duel fuel reg till July 2011 $13,000
Box Trailer complete with ride on, power mower & stuff $7,000
These will all be here next weekend offers accepted.

Thanking you in advance

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