Wednesday 22 October 2008


Sorry haven't blogged for a while but have been sick since last Friday afternoon.
Spent Saturday - Tuesday in bed only getting up to take grandchildren to school.
Rhiannon was home Tuesday, sick as well.
Still don't feel too good, trying to get into see doctor - I have a better chance of winning Tattslotto !!!
Went to Paperiffic with Sal & Rhiannon, I think we all felt the same - disappointed!!
Did anyone out there go to the first Paperiffic - at Telstra Dome - It was amazing !!
But every show since then has been boring.
The one thing that made it worthwhile for me was meeting Rachel Greig & Stewart Yule,
owners of Darkroom Door.
She is a truly talented artist & it was so special to actually meet her in person.
I love her range of papers, stamps & montages. I will have it all in store soon.
The Robot Collection is on the way. We will be having some fun with that.
Kaisercraft Christmas Collection is also in transit - I expect it tomorrow.
I will uploading photos etc over the next couple of days
Take care


Melita said...

Sorry to hear your not well, nad that paperiffic was a letdown - what a shame!
Looking forward to the DRD goodies!

Crazykindabeautiful said...

Hope you get better soon Kaz, Ive been sick too started Monday....yukko, I might blame you for passing it this way...hehe!

susy said...

Glad to hear I wasn't the only one dissapointed in paperific. Too small a venue and sooo hot and stuffy. I felt sorry for the stall holders as it wasn't their fault but they seemed to cop alot of the flack. Still managed to spend too much money though ;-)